Autumn control tomato rotten fruit

The fruit of rotten tomatoes in the fruiting period is closely related to the three diseases, and the prevention and treatment should be strengthened.

Rotten fruit caused by soft rot Tomato soft rot is a bacterial disease, mainly infected with stems and fruits. When the fruit is sick, the peel is completely bright, the flesh is rotten and soft, and it has a foul smell after breaking, which is easy to fall off and becomes white and stiff after drying. Control method: Before the onset or early onset, use 72% agricultural streptomycin-soluble powder 4000 times solution or 70% dikesone 1000 times solution, spray once every 8-10 days, the number of sprays depends on the condition. .

Rotten fruit caused by brown spoilage disease This disease is a fungal disease, mainly harmful to the mature fruit, mostly produces light brown lesions at the shoulder to the top of the fruit, and later becomes a concentric wheel spot, dark brown, smooth surface. Softening occurs, and when the humidity is high, the disease minister has a gray mold layer. Control method: When you first see a disease, use 25% toxic mycelium 800-1000 times liquid or 75% chlorothalonil 600-800 times liquid, spray once every 7-8 days, even spray 2-3 times.

The rotten fruit caused by anthracnose is caused by semi-known bacteria. The pathogen infects the fruit before it is colored. It is late to the coloration, and the small transparent spots are gradually enlarged and become black and slightly sunken. The lesion has a concentric pattern. On the top of the black small particles, the red sticky substance is secreted under humid conditions, and finally the fruit rots and falls off. Control method: 80% anthrax damper WP 800 times solution or 50% carbendazim WP 500 times solution in the green fruit period, spray once every 8-10 days, even spray 2 times, can inhibit the disease development of.
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