Bathroom renovation is no longer difficult Difficult to make you save money and worry

The good layout of the bathroom can increase the utilization rate of space. At present, many bathrooms generally have the phenomenon of narrow space and unreasonable function arrangement. How can we transform the bathroom into a comfortable and convenient area?

Guardian Infinity Hardware

Smaller bathroom

Difficulties: Small area, insufficient space

In old houses and small-sized apartments, this kind of bathroom is more common. For people who pay attention to enjoyment, they can consider putting the wash area in the living room or at the entrance. The style of the wash area and the living room are unified: After the wash area is moved to the living room or the entrance, the color of the wash area should be consistent with the decoration style of the living room. The good layout of the bathroom can increase the utilization rate of space. At present, many bathrooms generally have the phenomenon of narrow space and unreasonable function arrangement. How can we transform the bathroom into a comfortable and convenient area? Let's take a look at these 6 issues. How is the bathroom improved?

The shower room should be kept dry and wet: the sliding room is best used in the shower room to save space.

Cost-saving decoration space effect map Yu bathroom space bathroom door price apartment decoration decoration design decoration living room decoration style bathroom design bathroom door

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