Formulated fertilizer basic fertilizer five ways

At present, there are five forms of formula fertilizer domestic compatibility series. The first one is ammonium nitrate-superphosphate-potassium chloride: suitable for the production of low concentration BB fertilizer, it is recommended to process superphosphate and organic matter and trace elements into granules, and mix with ammonium nitrate and potassium chloride granules.
The second is ammonium chloride-superphosphate-potassium chloride: suitable for the production of low concentration BB fertilizer, using granular ammonium chloride instead of ammonium nitrate, can reduce costs. This compatibility is generally used in paddy fields.
The third type is urea-superphosphate-potassium chloride: suitable for the production of low, medium and high concentration BB fertilizer.
The fourth type is nitrophosphate fertilizer - potassium chloride: suitable for the production of medium and high concentration BB fertilizer, nitrophosphate fertilizer is granular fertilizer, containing 20% ​​of each of N and P2O5, and the physical and chemical properties are better after mixing, but the raw material of nitrophosphate is less.
The fifth kind of urea-ammonium phosphate-potassium chloride: suitable for the production of high-concentration BB fertilizer, good particle size, storage-resistance, widely used in foreign countries.
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