Recently, scientists from Canada are developing carbon dioxide recovery plants that can absorb CO2 from the air and mix other renewable energy sources to convert them into fuels that can be used in automobiles, airplanes, and other vehicles. This technology is currently being researched and developed by Carbon Engineering, which was invested by Bill Gates. The team tried to build the plant to have the same functions as the woods and absorb atmospheric CO2, but the efficiency was much higher. The company showed how to extract CO2 from the air and store it in the future to make available energy. Currently, the system is planned to absorb 450 tons of CO2 in the air each year after it goes online, equivalent to the carbon emissions of 33 ordinary Canadians. And in the future, the system will become more practical and more efficient, so that it can be converted into a vehicle-use energy source. 9005(Hb3) Led Headlight,9005 Led Headlight,Hb3 Led Headlight,9005 Headlight Bulb CHANGZHOU CLD AUTO ELECTRICAL CO.,LTD ,