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/*728*90 created on 2018/5/16*/ var cpro_id = "u3440131"; Home>Bearing knowledge>How to reduce the cost of rolling mill bearings How to reduce the cost of rolling mill bearings
ㄒ唬(19) 龊 岢惺 èƒ èƒ èƒ åšå¥½ åšå¥½ åšå¥½ åšå¥½ åšå¥½ åšå¥½ åšå¥½ åšå¥½ åšå¥½ 轧 轧 轧 轧 轧 轧 轧 轧 轧 轧 轧 轧 轧 轧 轧 轧 轧 轧 轧 轧 轧 轧 轧 轧 轧 轧 轧 轧 轧 轧 轧 轧 轧 轧: /*250*250 was created on 2017/12/25*/ var cpro_id = 'u3171089';
1. Rolling mill drawing and accuracy status,
2. The rolling products and processes change the execution status.
3, smooth and sealed smooth action,
4. On-site conditions such as rolling mill adjustment and transmission,
5. The condition of the bearing assembly parts accuracy, assembly and disassembly conditions, etc.
6, bearing damage and installation parts and other conditions.
ǘ(18) å²¢ é«æ…µæ…· 嗥ヅ 嗥ヅ ä¿è¯ ä¿è¯ ä¿è¯ ä¿è¯ ä¿è¯ ä¿è¯ ä¿è¯ ä¿è¯ ä¿è¯ ä¿è¯ ä¿è¯ ä¿è¯ ä¿è¯ ä¿è¯ ä¿è¯ ä¿è¯ ä¿è¯ ä¿è¯ ä¿è¯ ä¿è¯ ä¿è¯ ä¿è¯ ä¿è¯ ä¿è¯ ä¿è¯ ä¿è¯ ä¿è¯ ä¿è¯ ä¿è¯ ä¿è¯ ä¿è¯ ä¿è¯ ä¿è¯ ä¿è¯ ä¿è¯ ä¿è¯ ä¿è¯ ä¿è¯ ä¿è¯ ä¿è¯ ä¿è¯ ä¿è¯ ä¿è¯ ä¿è¯ ä¿è¯ ä¿è¯The dimensions of the parts are to ensure the proper strength of each part of the rolling mill bearing; to maximize the service life of the bearing. For example; the bearing box has large wear and deformation, and the outer ring of the bearing is mostly broken.本都跣.銮客馊η慷龋ç°æºé”街岢惺倜畛.
ㄈ2. æŽ å’§ å’§ å’§ å’§ å’§ 由于 由于 由于 由于 由于 由于 由于 由于 由于 由于 由于 由于 由于 由于 由于 由于 由于 由于 由于 由于 由于 由于 由于 由于 由于 由于 由于 由于 由于 由于 由于 由于 由于 由于 由于 由于 由于 由于 由于 由于 由于 由于 由于 由于Gas or electroslag remelting bearing steel; although the bearing unit price is high; but the bearing damage is less; the rolling mill operating rate has improved; the induction cost should be reduced.
ã„‹ ( (16) å²¢ core take (15) 蜗都èŠæµœ 1, bearing accuracy: mainly based on the bearing component requirements for the rotation accuracy and the bearing life requirements to determine the bearing accuracy grade. Rolling mill bearing accuracy grade improved; although the bearing A single set of cost improvements; but brings the following strengths:
.1), the internal stress reduction of the bearing parts; the stability of the bearing parts; the reduction of the crack elements of the parts;
.2), the roughness level of the bearing work surface has improved (rough peak reduction. è°¥å²¢è…¥è ¡æ¹ã•æ¬£è°¥å²¢è…¥è ¡æ¹ã•ç”·æŽæ°¡, ãƒçš‡æ€ªå²¢è¡…@倜倜ç¾å²£.
.3), the roughness level of the bearing cooperation surface is improved; the bearing cooperation is more secure; the cooperation is prevented from "crawling"; the bearing life is improved.
.4), better speed; reduce bearing heat; good for bearing life.
.5), inductive bearing cost reduction; mill operating rate progress.
2, bearing clearance: bearing normal operation bearing clearance is an important technical parameter, it directly affects the bearing load distribution, friction, temperature rise, service life, etc.. Due to the poor working conditions of the rolling mill bearing; It is necessary to consider its rolling load, rotational speed, smoothness, temperature rise, cooperative interference, rotation accuracy, etc.; the principle is that under the condition of working condition; the smaller the bearing clearance, the better the service life of the rolling mill bearing. Under the condition, the rolling mill adopts the C3 or C4 group standard clearance; in the operation process of the rolling bearing; the bearing clearance can be judged according to the condition of the bearing damage.
.1), bearing burned; if it is not due to "roller climbing", the associated parts are poor and the smoothness of the bearing causes overheating of the bearing; then it can be considered that the bearing clearance of the rolling mill is too small,
.2), bearing ring and roller fragmentation; if it is not the original data, bearing quality, excessive impact load and poor installation; can be thought that the rolling mill bearing operation is too large; the bearing load wrap angle.ç¡æ•«æ±‰ç ‚怯 κ120 ° ~ 150 °); the formation of data per unit area strain pressure; roller load caused by large.
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Source: Bearing network time: 2013-06-21