Security industry application refinement

Security industry application refinement Today, the security market is embarking on a highly integrated stage of competition. It can be said that 2013 is a turning point for security companies. It is a year of life and death.

The rapid growth of Haikang and Dahua, the continuously increasing market influence, stronger product competitiveness, and more solid corporate strength all have a squeeze effect on other companies, and even form a pressure on the industry manufacturers. As a result, the performance growth and profit growth of the two companies are much higher than the market holdings and higher than the average growth of the industry. The distance between the two companies and other companies is further and further. The security industry is playing a role in the qualitative changes that are taking place.

The gap between domestic and foreign companies has substantially narrowed the gap between domestic and foreign companies on the product side. The advantages of foreign brands can be reflected in broader technological integration and better user experience on a single product. However, foreign investors who do not have the above two advantages may face fierce competition.

Positioning small and beautiful companies appeared before the security companies are accustomed to follow suit, as long as there is a successful model, all companies are almost fully followed up. Now that leading companies have emerged and competition is fiercer, companies must calmly think about their expertise and strengths. More and more companies know their skills and expertise to survive and survive for a long time. Deeper drilling and more detailed service. Competition is no longer disorderly and the market will enter professional competition.

The product details are more perfect. Compared with the past, the specification is the main appeal. This year's Beijing Security Exhibition can be seen more attention to the details of the operation, the appearance of the texture is considered more delicate, and even more details on the application of the home Rich features. For example, a manufacturer of vehicle identification in Beijing, in addition to color, can also identify which brand, which kind of car, plus the license plate recognition. From the past, almost everyone was standard products, and now they are moving toward differentiation, creating differences from the details. This will bring the market from price competition to value competition.

Deepening the refinement of industry applications The focus of the exhibition over the past few years has been almost all industrialization and solutions. Companies are placing their demands on the industry to demonstrate their professionalism, technology and services. Believing that it is the result of competition and the improvement of customer expertise, many companies at the Beijing Security Exhibition 2012 will no longer talk about industrialization alone, but will also place greater emphasis on the needs of customers in the industries that they are good at. Security equipment is no longer only providing protection, but also combined with the customer's business to enhance business efficiency. The benefit to customers is higher investment efficiency. The benefit to manufacturers is the increase of value and the guarantee of competitive advantage.

The user interface becomes predominantly secure and quickly enters IP. As the system becomes larger and more complex, how to make it easier for users to control the entire system becomes a bottleneck for product promotion. This time there is a home video management software in Shanghai, the entire operation can be through the mouse, very intuitive operation of the camera, or playback of the required video content. In addition, Guangzhou Ruijie and ObjectVideo cooperated with a human flow management system, which can reflect the value of the current scene, the administrator can quickly adjust the management measures. A good user interface can enhance user experience, simplify the way of operation, make complex systems more easily accepted by the market, and allow the security market to reflect higher value.

Manufacturers communicate with users directly. The necessity of the elevation system is becoming more and more complicated. It is increasingly difficult for access providers to fully communicate with users, forcing manufacturers to go to the front line to communicate with users. With fierce competition in the market, manufacturers must pile up on the client, and the front has been pulled to the front line, which also means that marketing costs must be constantly elevated.

Rejuvenation of Other Advantages Many companies with excellent physiques have experienced physical fitness optimization over the past two or three years, or the completion of the company's new positioning. In 2013, they will all make a leap forward. This group of strong enterprises will advance further and at the same time, it will inevitably squeeze other companies. It seems that the competition in 2013 will be more formal, but it will also be more intense.

Operators have become increasingly important. More large-scale applications after IP, large-scale networking applications, and smart cities at the national level will all push the role of operators to the peak. How to develop new competing relationships with operators will test security. The determination and wisdom of the enterprise.

For a single product, pay attention to the development of NVR. The rapid growth of IPC in the past two years, coupled with the introduction of a more cost-effective IPC by many manufacturers, there will be more Shenzhen companies launching a low-cost IPC in 2013. This force will drive the NVR high. demand. At the same time, the price of NVR will continue to drop, and it will also quickly drive the growth of NVR. In 2013, it may be named as NVR year. It seems that the IP market will lead another round of turmoil.

Each of the above observations points in the same direction, pointing to a long-awaited a&s call, but with an echo of the “quality change” direction. We can't think of the invisible hand behind the market that has quietly promoted the "quality change" we have been waiting for. The security industry and security market will both grow from the past, enter into qualitative changes, enter orderly competition, and enter into arguments about value.

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