Sweden develops digital fire protection shoes with positioning navigation function

Firefighters trapped in the fire will be lost when they are surrounded by smoke, but this problem will be broken. According to reports, a research institute in Sweden has developed a digital positioning fire shoe technology for firefighters.

According to reports, after the firefighters put on this type of fire-fighting shoes, the management personnel can grasp the positions of the firefighters inside and outside the fire. Even if the firefighters find themselves in a harsh environment with a depth of 25 meters, the positioning function of the system can still operate normally. .

Reported that the fire shoe positioning system consists of a group of sensors installed in the soles of the shoes, can withstand the huge impact and high temperature. When the system is in operation, sensors mounted on the heel will send information on the location and activity status of the firefighters to the fire command center. In addition to facilitating the management personnel to dispatch compatriots in the fire site, they can also guide the lost firemen back on track. .

The research team pointed out that they had conducted field tests on this newly developed system and found that the results are good. The next step will be to study how to improve the positioning accuracy of the system. The research goal is to install the sensor on general shoes and make sensors. Can provide renewable energy.

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