Talk about the pros and cons of the four seasons decoration


Spring decoration advantages

1. The temperature and humidity in spring are very moderate. The wood products and gypsum products used in the decoration are not easily deformed or cracked after completion.

2. After a holiday break, the decorating company or construction team is open-minded and energetic.

3. The climatic conditions in spring help to control the moisture content of wood materials below 13.

4. Some manufacturers have introduced new products with higher quality through this round of renovations, and launched new discounts on discounts. During this period, consumers can experience new feelings brought by new products and get the cost of renovation. save.

Disadvantages of spring decoration

Spring decoration should first pay attention to the moderate moisture of the material. The spring climate is relatively dry, which facilitates the evaporation of moisture. The weather is warm and the windows can be opened and ventilated. The paint dries quickly. The duration of brushing three times can be shortened by three or four days compared with the summer construction. This is good for construction. However, excessively dry materials will not withstand the trials of July-August rain.

When installing wood floors, the installer must be sure to leave enough expansion joints so that when the summer comes, the floor will not warp.

Season decoration spring decoration knowledge summer decoration knowledge autumn decoration knowledge

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