The application of digital virtual manufacturing in manufacturing

Abstract: Digital virtual manufacturing technology uses three-dimensional dynamic simulation models to simulate product design, manufacturing, simulation, optimization, testing, process, analysis and other related processes. It provides an overview of virtual manufacturing technologies and their applications in both product manufacturing and digital plants.

1 Virtual Manufacturing VM

Virtual manufacturing refers to the systematic organization and analysis of manufacturing knowledge by means of information technology, three-dimensional simulation technology and computer technology, modeling the entire manufacturing process, design evaluation and manufacturing activity simulation on the computer, emphasizing the use of virtual manufacturing models to describe the manufacturing The process has the ability to predict product performance and manufacturability before actual physical manufacturing.

Virtual manufacturing technologies cover a wide range of topics, such as environmental composition techniques, process feature extraction, metamodels, integrated infrastructure architecture, manufacturing feature data integration, multidisciplinary cross-functionality, decision support tools, interface technologies, virtual reality technologies, modeling With simulation technology and so on. The latter three are the core technologies of virtual manufacturing.

1.1 Modeling Technology Virtual Manufacturing System VMS is a mapping of the real manufacturing system RMS in a virtual environment. It is a modeled, formalized and computerized abstract description and representation of RMS. Modeling of VMS includes production models, product models, and process models.

(1) Production model. Can be summarized into two aspects of static description and dynamic description. A static description is a description of the system's production capacity and production characteristics. Dynamic description refers to predicting the entire process of product production based on known system states and demand characteristics.

(2) Product model. A product model is a collection of various entity object models in the manufacturing process. The information described in the current product model has static information such as product structure and product shape characteristics. For VMS, in order to integrate all activities in the product implementation process, it is necessary to have a complete product model, so the product model under virtual manufacturing is no longer a single static feature model, it can be extracted by mapping, abstraction, etc. Models required for each activity in product implementation, including 3D dynamic models, interference checks, stress analysis, etc.

(3) Process model. The process parameters are linked to the product design attributes that affect the manufacturing function to reflect the interaction between the production model and the product model. The process model must have the following functions: computer process simulation, manufacturing data sheets, manufacturing planning, statistical models, and physical and mathematical models.

1.2 Simulation technology simulation is to apply the computer to the complex reality system to abstract and simplify the formation of the system model, and then run the model on the basis of analysis, thus obtaining a series of statistical performance of the system. Since the simulation is based on the system model, it does not interfere with the actual production system, and at the same time, using the fast computing power of the computer, the simulation can simulate the production cycle that takes a long time in actual production in a short time, thus shortening the decision time. To avoid waste of funds, manpower and time, and to repeat simulations and optimize implementation plans.

The basic steps of the simulation are as follows: the research system collects data, establishes a system model, determines the simulation algorithm, establishes a simulation model, and runs the simulation model output results and analyzes them.

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