Downhole safety protection labor protection products are necessary items for maintaining personal safety and avoiding incidents. Copyright Statement: This article is reproduced from online media and represents only the author's opinion. It has nothing to do with this site. If news articles and comments infringe your legal rights, please call us and we will handle it in a timely manner. Kitchen Sink Faucets,Touch Kitchen Faucet,Retractable Kitchen Faucet,Black Steel Hose Faucet Yuyao Zelin Sanitary Ware Co., Ltd ,
The main include: work clothes, work safety shoes, safety helmet explosion-proof miner's lamp and so on. Every person who goes down has to wear a safety helmet and wear overalls and safety shoes. The clothes are neat and tight, so as to avoid accidents caused by the machine being turned or being hung.
You should wear a waterproof coat when you are spraying water, and the best is to put a towel around your neck. Miner's lamp is the miner's eyes. Before going down the well, it is necessary to pick up the miner's lamp, and carefully check its lack of condition. The contents of the check are:
1) Whether the lamp is damaged or not, whether the glass cover is intact or not, and whether the lamp ring is loose or not.
2) The lamp box is not leaking.
3) The cable sheath is not lacking, there is no open end, and the lamp connector is not missing.
4) The light lock is not tight.
5) The brightness of the lights is not enough. In the underground, stop opening the lid of the battery box and the lamp cap. Once the miner's lamp is destroyed or damaged in the downhole, you can wait for someone to go up with you.
What should you watch out for when riding cages and inclined man vehicles?
1) For cages and inclined people vehicles, it is necessary to queue up and down in order to avoid congestion and harassment. Follow the command of the hook and follow the driver. Without their consent, ban the access to cages and vehicles.
2) After entering the cage, close the cage door and hang the safety chain after the train.
3) After announcing the open signal and not declaring the parking signal, do not scramble or get involved. Otherwise, simply present a wound.
4) When the cage and the train are started, they should stand firmly or sit steadily. Do not put the head and limbs out of the tank or outside the train to avoid being injured. When the cage is stopped quickly, the heel can be lifted slightly and the knees are slightly twisted so that the abdomen will not be smashed.
5) When the tank is filled with material, passengers are prohibited from boarding regardless of the amount of material loaded.