In modern decoration, many people use the floor heating method for heating, and the floor heating has many advantages such as high efficiency, energy saving, space saving, and healthy heating. When winter comes, whether in the cold north, or in the south without central heating, floor heating floors that can be used for geothermal paving have also become a hot spot in the home improvement market. Which floors are suitable for floor heating? What are the advantages of floor heating? In this issue, follow Xiao Bian together to understand it.
Floor heating floor, also known as low-temperature radiation heating floor, it is set on the ground radiation heating system, whether the heating system, whether hot water pipes, electric film or cable can be used as a heat source, through the floor heating to the heat distributed to the room corner. In fact, the so-called floor-heating floor is just a generic term for geothermally paved floors, and it is not just merely laid on geothermal floors.
1, floor heating PK floor tiles
The materials that can be laid on the floor heating system are not only floorboards but also other floor decoration materials such as floor tiles. When many consumers choose, they do not know which material to choose. In general, compared to some other floor decoration materials, the floor still has certain advantages in laying on the floor heating system. Let's take a look at the contrast between floor and floor tiles used for floor heating.
Warm floor flooring to buy solid wood flooring laminate flooring
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