Meet these feng shui houses, take care of depression and find you

If a person lives in a depressed environment for a long time, he or she will be easily depressed. Common manifestations include low mood, insomnia and dreams, and a lack of appetite. There may also be personal thoughts. The teacher of Poseidon learned from many years of experience in home feng shui that many depressions are caused by unfavorable home feng shui and have a lot to do with the houses in which depressed people live. Therefore, the master tells you that the following eight feng shui patterns in the house may make you depressed.

Meet these feng shui houses


Insufficient light

Everyone knows that the sun is dynamic and can bring us a good mood. If the interior lacks sunlight for a long time, it will have an adverse effect on people’s moods, causing people to feel depressed and prolonged illnesses.


House type is not correct

No matter the size of the home is large or small, the house must be founder. The most frightful of the feng shui is the triangular house, the ladder type house or other irregularly shaped house types. The type of room is like the heart and the type is regular. House types are prone to biasing people’s thinking, and they often go on the edge of the law. They are not inaccessible. Even if it is violated by the law, all day long, it will certainly become ill.



Hue heavy

Many people prefer to use deep, heavy tones in their interior decoration. Although this looks very sentimental, it is not always possible to live in such an environment. There will be a kind of depressing and heavy feeling that will make people invisible. It will certainly be a bad time.

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