Study on the characteristics of resistance to metallic elements of Ganoderma lucidum

Journal of Hubei Institute of Technology Research on the characteristics of metal resistance in ournal ganoderma lucidum CHENG Zhong, MA Wei, WU Jianming 2 (1 Wuhan Hongtaokaijinquan Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., Wuhan 430070, Hubei, China; 2Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan, Hubei 430070, China) CaFeZnCu and Mn are resistant to five kinds of Ganoderma lucidum The properties of the five metal elements were studied and the results show that they all have strong metal element resistance.

Ganoderma lucidum; patience; metal element Ganoderma lucidum is a fungus gate in the lower plants, its fruiting bodies contain a variety of protein amino acids, polysaccharides and other nutritious substances and many trace elements beneficial to humans. It has functions such as sedation, detoxification, anti-hypoxia, analgesic and other biological active substances, beneficial heart and vitality, liver qi, benefits of refined gas and other functions. It has good curative effect on neurasthenia, chronic bronchitis, coronary heart disease, etc. Hypoglycemic effect. This study selected Ganoderma lucidum as enrichment carrier.

The traditional artificial culture of Ganoderma lucidum fruit body has a long period, low yield, high production cost, and the content of trace elements is lower than wild ganoderma. In order to make up for these shortcomings, this study used ganoderma lucidum deep fermentation method to cultivate mycelia of Ganoderma lucidum. The results showed that the cultivation of Ganoderma lucidum mycelia by deep fermentation method has the characteristics of short cycle rate, high cost and low culture period. Mycelium is a synthetic vegetative stage, and the fruit body is a consuming nutrient stage, so the mycelia nutrition is generally higher than the fruit body. The method of deep fermentation and mycelial fermentation has been rapidly developed, but it has not yet been significantly improved in solving the trace element structure content. This study proposes to add appropriate amount of inorganic salt solution to cultivate the mycelia of ganoderma lucidum in the deep fermentation medium. body. Relevant data have been reported: Shou Hongxia et al. used this method to culture and obtain the quinone-containing quinone pigment as a patience characteristic study because they are the indispensable metal elements for human metabolism, growth and development. For example, Ca is the most abundant and easily deficient in human body. Is a metal element that constitutes the main element of bones and teeth, and can maintain the function of nerves and muscles, promote the activities of certain enzymes in the body, and participate in blood coagulation, hormone secretion and composition of intracellular colloidal stability 123, Therefore, it is very valuable to study the mycelia of Ganoderma lucidum rich in these metal elements.

1 Materials and Methods 1.1 Materials Calcium chloride, ferrous sulfate, zinc sulfate, copper sulfate, manganese sulfate are all analytically pure, PDA is the medium. The strains include Yunzhi, Sweet Zhi, Hanzhi, and G5 Xuezhi.

2 Method 1 Activation of strains The mother plants were transferred to the sloping surface of a PDA medium and incubated in a constant temperature room at 28°C for 8 to 10 days to rejuvenate and rejuvenate the strains.

2 Cultivation of Bevel Strains Activated strains were inoculated into the slant medium by aseptic processing, transferred (2~3) times, placed in a constant temperature chamber at 28C (7 7) d. 3 Ganoderma lucidum resistant to metal elements The preparation of the characteristic plate is performed aseptically by adding an inorganic salt solution to the culture dish and adding a PDA medium to prepare a PDA medium having various salt mass fractions as required. At the time of inoculation, the mungbean-sized Ganoderma lucidum bacterium was immersed in the plate and cultured at a constant temperature of 28° to observe the germination time of the bacterium, and the colony diameter (d) was observed at the same interval. The observation time was 10 days, and the diameter was measured as the average of two vertical diameters.

2 Results and analysis 1Ca effect on colony germination time (t) and growth characteristics Cas+ effect on growth of G5 plates From the growth characteristics of the strains resistant to Ca2+ plates, almost all of them were able to germinate the colony at 2000 2.2F and growth characteristics. The effects of 2.3Zn2 on the germination time and growth characteristics of the five ganoderma lucidum strains showed a maximum mass fraction of Zn2 resistance of about 650X1CT6, and a mass fraction of 650 (1CT6 or more were not or difficult to germinate. Sweet jasmin, G5 in 650 from resistant According to the growth curve of Fe2+, their resistance to Ff Z mass fraction from the growth curve of 25 points of view, their best resistance to Zn2+ growth should be in the range of 0 to 65 25Mn2+ on the germination time and growth characteristics of the colony. Ganoderma lucidum strains have strong ability to resist Mn2+, and the Mn+ mass fraction is 0~2745. Therefore, it is certain that the ganoderma lucidum has strong patience and its enrichment ability must not be weak. The strength of this experiment has certain element enrichment ability for deep fermentation. In terms of the best growth quality scores of the five strains, Yunzhi is the most resistant to these five metals; in the resistance to Cu2, Hanzhi and G5 are stronger; in Fe2, blood and sweet Strong; Zn2 + in resistant, strong, and G5 Chi Korea; Cu2 resistance in the blood, and G5 strong Chicago; Mn2 resistant, Korea Chi strong.

The study of the characteristics of the five ganoderma lucidum strains resistant to Cu2+, Fe'Zn2+, Cf, and Mn2+, respectively, shows that they all have strong resistance to these metal elements, and it can be inferred that they have a strong ability to enrich these metal elements.

4 Conclusion In the Ca2+ culture of Ganoderma lucidum, the optimal growth mass fraction of Ca2 is 0~2000. In the resistance culture of Ganoderma lucidum, the best growth quality fraction of Fe is 0~55.8. Lu Wendong. Ganoderma lucidum. Science Press , 1985. Shou Hongxia.Study on Ganoderma lucidum cultivation in Fujian, Zhejiang Institute of Testing Technology.

Xie Bifeng. Deep culture and selenium-enriched characteristics of Ganoderma lucidum. Food and Chen Bingqing. Nutrition and food hygiene. People's Medical Publishing House, Xu Qinhu. Selection of human calcium deficiency and calcium nutrition enhancer. Shanxi 2 Cheng,. Zhong (1968-). Female, Hunan Zhuzhou Yanren, Engineer Wuhan Hongtao Kaijinquan Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. engages in pharmaceutical production and quality management.

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