Sweet potato root dressing method

In the process of fertility, sweet potato can be divided into three types: weak seedling, strong seedling and Wangmiao. It is necessary to carry out root dressing according to different looks, so as to promote the vigorous growth of the mango and the high yield of the potato.

Weak seedlings for this field, can use urea 05 ~ 1KG per acre, superphosphate 1 ~ 1.5KG, sulfuric acid 0.5 ~ 0.75KG, mixed infusion spray, 50 ~ 7KG per acre to promote root development and Stem and leaf growth.

Strong seedlings The focus of this potato seedling is to spray potassium while spraying phosphorus. Generally, 1KG of potassium sulfate, 1KG of superphosphate, 50-75KG of water is added per mu, and the leaching mixture is sprayed; or 10-20% of the ash leaching solution is sprayed, 50-75KG per acre.

Wang Miao The main task of topdressing this kind of potato seedlings is to suppress the length of the child, so that it will turn from strong to strong. It can spray 0.1% jatropha, 50-75KG per acre, spray once every 7-10 days, and spray a total of 2-3 times.

For the sweet potato in the late growth stage, in order to prevent premature aging and enhance vitality, the leaf fertilizer can be supplemented as appropriate. If the yam is found to be detached from the early yellow leaves, spray 1% urea solution 50-75KG; for normal growth, spray 1-2 times 0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution, 50-75KG per acre.
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