The spray nozzles are used to illustrate the various characteristics of the nozzle: Since the nozzle is designed to operate under a variety of different spray conditions, the nozzles that are suitable for the application are selected to achieve optimum spray performance during use. The characteristics of the nozzle are mainly reflected in the type of spray of the nozzle, that is, the shape formed when the liquid leaves the nozzle opening and its running performance. The name of the nozzle is divided into a fan shape, a cone shape, a liquid column flow (ie, a jet), an air atomization, and a flat nozzle. The cone nozzle is divided into two types: a hollow cone and a solid cone; The nozzles (ie, mixing nozzles), the strong (hot) tuyere blowing nozzles, and the special nozzles (such as garden nozzles, cylinder washing nozzles, tube cleaning nozzles, etc.) are named after the nozzle performance. Temprature Measurement,Temperature Meter,Digital Temperature Meter,Temperature Humidity Meter Wuxi Winsun Automation Instrument Co., Ltd ,