In order to tie in well with the “employment policy into the community to benefit the people and enter into the 10,000 families†activity, the service and capability of the labor security service platform in the development zone will be further improved. Recently, the Pingdu City Development Zone Labor Insurance Institute has launched a “passenger sentiment service†activity. . During the visit, the policy publicity has always been given top priority, and labor security laws and regulations have been actively promoted, and policies related to employment and entrepreneurship in Pingdu City have been specifically addressed.
It is reported that the Institute has actively solved problems for enterprises. During the visit, it focused on understanding the current state of business operations and employment needs. It also provided business guidance on issues such as labor management, signing of labor contracts, and filing labor and employment records. Standardize employment, reduce labor disputes; fill in labor security visit service cards, understand the problems that companies need to solve.
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